No Company can be successful without satisfied customers. Our success has been achieved by a continuing commitment, to our customers, to provide them with what as promised. This lies at the very heart of our quality objectives. We have always taken on board the definition of quality as being “first time conformance to defined requirements”. Moreover, we have adopted the premise that quality is driven by and defined by the customer. In short, we have a strong customer focus and are convinced that quality is what the customer says it is.
MACE’S Quality Management System has been compiled on the basis of ISO 10005. It also serves as a reference between ISO 9001:2008 and MACE Saudi Arabia Company’s internal Quality Management System. It is a management ‘tool’ to keep employees of MACE Saudi Arabia Company aware of their responsibilities with the internal quality approach and can be used for marketing. It is also a suitable training document. It can reduce the ‘learning curve’ due to employee turnover and can assist in the continuity of vents in such cases.
Measurement of the cost of quality must be a fundamental consideration in the design, in the development and in the maintenance of the system. The need to impose discipline, where it was previously not considered necessary, can only be achieved if the potential rewards of improved profitability and turnover are appreciated by the ill disciplined.
A person who makes no mistakes makes nothing and will never gain experience. However the secret is to build upon one’s mistakes and never repeat them. This is the basic principle of Quality Management and it is the prime reason why a formal Quality System must be introduced as companies grow and their organization and structure become more complex. The formal systems, which served MACE Saudi Arabia Company well when it was smaller, can no longer be tolerated.
Quality Management is a key ingredient in maintaining the continuing success of MACE Saudi Arabia Company. There will always be a danger that the discipline, which it imposes on us, will be regarded by some as an additional layer of bureaucracy. This we will guard against at all times.
The principles of Quality Management must be companywide. In fact, they must extend even further and become a co-operative venture between our sub-contractors and ourselves. This is fundamental to the eventual success of sub-contracts since our sub-contractors must also take on board our definition of quality and establish, document and maintain effective and economical Quality Systems to ensure and demonstrate that products i.e. results of activities or process, conform to ISO 9001:2008.