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Electrical, Instrumentation and Communication Works
Industrial Electrical and Instrumentation works for plants, wellhead areas, scrapper areas, manifolds, remote headers, etc.
Overhead power lines, Underground cable installation, duct banks etc.
Installation, testing and commissioning of Electrostatic Pump(ESP)
Installation, testing and commissioning of Corrosion Monitoring System(CMS).
Installation, testing and commissioning of Multi Phase Flow Meters(MPFM) and Ultrasonic Flow Meters(UFM).
Installation, testing and commissioning of Permanent Down Hole Monitoring system(PDHMS).
Installation, testing and commissioning Fire and Gas Detection and Alarm Systems.
Installation, testing and commissioning Emergency Shut Down(ESD) system.
Installation, testing and commissioning of gauges, sensors, transmitters, meters, etc
Installation, testing and commissioning of PLC, RTU, SCADA, etc.
Cathodic protection works: Sacri¬ficial anodes and Impressed Current Cathodic Protection system for buried pipelines, concrete structures, etc.